Monday, March 4, 2013

Massage, Baguan, and a Girls Day Out

After an amazing night out with the girls in my program, it was time to follow up with a day of relaxation. So we all decided to get a full body massage and try Baguan which is a Chinese healing technique. The spa was about 12 subway stops away and a 10 minute taxi ride. When we arrived at the spa, all of us were ready to embrace the massage bed with open arms. We did more than that. The facility was so nice and luxurious that all I wanted to do was jump of the bed with excitement. We had the option of getting massaged by women or men and of course we chose men. Male massagers ensure me that they will put more pressure on my sore muscles. 

During the massage, the man worked my back, legs, butt (shockingly!), shoulders, and scalp. I disliked my scalp massage because I HATE when other people touch my hair and he ended up messing it up for the entire day. In spite of that, my head felt wonderfully clear. Now for the fun part...

Baguan is a Chinese medicine that is suppose to pull out the toxins from your skin. Fire was lit in glass balls and placed onto the skin for air suction. Was it painful? Yes. I was the last one to get the treatment, so I heard my friends freaking out first. So when it was my turn, I just prayed for God to get me through. In the end, it wasn’t as painful as my friends made it seem because I knew I needed to make my body as relaxed as possible. Praying during the treatment helped significantly. At the end, the glass balls were taken off of our backs and it was incredibly shocking. It looked like huge pepperoni slices had been placed on our backs! Mine were the least severe because I was relaxed. Til this day the marks are a little sore, but I can honestly say that my back and full body feels amazingly renewed. The massage and Baguan treatment was 88 rmb for 90 minutes which is about 15 bucks. Not bad for my first spa day!

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