Friday, March 16, 2012

Making Friends at Yonsei University

My suggestion for making friends while studying abroad~~ Join a club! It's the best way to make friends and constantly see them.

I made it into the hip-hop dance club (Harie) I told ya'll about earlier, and so did most of my American friends. They invited all the "freshmen" to a welcome party, and I got to watch videos of their previous performances.

Now it was weird at first, because the ice wasn't broken yet. No one really got to know each other yet. But when we went to dinner, that was a different story.

It was sprinkling rain outside and I didn't have an umbrella. A friendly korean girl shared her umbrella with me and my friend, which was really nice. There were about 30 dancers, so it's surprising that the leaders kept all of us together.

Eating~~ Now at first a couple of my American friends sat at a table, but nobody would sit with us. These were big tables, so in my mind I was a little disappointed. But luckily many people did later. It was so awkard! I hated it, so I broke the ice and tried to keep conversations going. It turned out one of the guys were in my chemistry class. And most of the koreans at the table were my age. YEY!
The food was really good, and it was bottomless! The servers just kept on bringing food to us. Ahh, it was delicious!

Drinking Games~~ I have a hard time remembering the names of all these games. But I learned a drinking song, played "Game of Death," and "Love Shot." I lost a couple times, but it's all good! Such a wonderful way to interact with each other.

Clubbing~~ A bunch of hip-hop dancers at a club together~ better make sure there's enough room! Harie took us to Barfly where we got more drinks and danced. Watching dancers actually get loose and freestyle was hilarious~ especially since some of them were drunk. My friend pushed me into the middle of the dance circle, and I hate freestyling. Even though alcohol is called "liquid courage," I feel like I don't dance well when I drink. Oh well, maybe people won't remember Haha!

Either way~~~ Eating+Drinking+Dancing= Good times! At least for me anyways ^.^

1 comment:

  1. how often does harie practice?? Like how many days a week and how long are the practices?
