Friday, March 9, 2012

A Different Kind of Hip-Hop Dance

I've been looking for some kind of hip-hop dance in Korea, and finally found it! My friend Ann signed me up a couple days ago. Unfortunately the hip-hop club had auditions, but the first day was just rehearsing the choreography they taught us. Anyways,  in order to prepare myself, I missed my korean class to stretch and warm-up. When I was done, I met up with seven other people (foreigners) to go.

I felt it coming, and I wasn't prepared for the initial reaction. I walked into the dance studio and everybody looked at me. One guy even had his eyes bulged with his mouth wide open. The korean girls were whispering to their friends and the guys just stared. Being the only black person isn't new for me, but here we go with the culture shock roller-coaster.

The class was split up into four corners~ popping, locking, waaking, and crumping. First I went to the waaking group, but then realized that it looked exactly like k-pop dance. After that discovery, I immediately went to crumping. I never did it before, and I was the only girl. The choreographer was really nice and at least his english was good. Now if you've seen crumping, it's basically showing all your power and strength~kind of releasing the inner beast.

Since the choreographer said (in korean) this was a dance black people do, I felt that pressure because I was black. Like I had to be like Chris Brown or something. Yeah I can keep a beat and I have my own attitude when I dance, but that shouldn't mean I'd take it seriously~~ Either way, I experienced a new kind of dance, and I actually enjoyed myself.

During the break, I watched waaking and girl's hip-hop which seemed like more edgier k-pop dancing in my opinion. The choreographer is really good though. But I guess that's what Koreans call hip-hop, and I accept that now.

Most of the women were in this group, while I was the only girl in mine. Back at home, my dance friends Amber, Angel, Moriah, and Raven would be with me. I'm not use to dancing without them. I miss my crew, but I had to be solo dolo.

It's all better, because I finally went into the hip-hop dance group with a few other girls! It was mostly popping, foot, and shoulder work though. No stomp the yard up in here! Actually it was pretty basic, which will make the audition go more smoothly. Only one of the choreographers talked to me, and I learned some footwork that I still have yet to perfect. But it's okay.

The audition is in a few days, I'll be getting together with a few others in the group to rehearse. I pray for all of us to make it, because I know we have the passion and potential. Wish us luck!!

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