Friday, June 1, 2012

Words Just Can't Explain~~ 정

My words can't explain the feeling of being mentally close and connected with the people here. Honestly. This kind of telepathic connection is called 정 (jeong) in Korean culture. But let me try to explain what is on my mind.

I have three weeks left in Korea, so I have been preparing my farewells (see you later's). I feel like creating this process will help me cope with leaving and welcome home with open arms. So you'd think that I've mentally prepared myself right~~ wrong. One particular bye was harder than I thought.

The dance group H.A.R.I.E. had an end of the semester battle, so I thought I'd show my support. Now I had said my bye's to most of the members about three weeks ago, and bye to the club. Some of them had the saddest looks on their face, and I began to feel sad too. Funny thing, I didn't know I mattered so much to the group until I said my farewells. I thought that night was the last I'd see of the group, but something pulled me back to them. 정. After the battle we all ate dinner and got drinks together, but it was unlike other nights when we hung out. I really felt the strength of 정.

I have never felt so close to a group (team) in my entire life, and for such a short period of time. I have best friends back home, but this connection is so different. So unexplainable. Being part of H.A.R.I.E. was so important in my experience here, because now I can understand a significant key in Korean culture. Collectivism and relationships with one another which roots deeper than usual.

Now I understand 정and I can honestly say that H.A.R.I.E., and all the friends I've made since studying in Korea have impacted my life. ^.^

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I'm going for an exchange on August 2014 and planned to join Harie dance club as well. I'm a dancer from Singapore :) I've read about your experience in Harie. Seems you had fun!
