Sunday, January 13, 2013

Guess Who's BACK!

Yep! Again! What can it be this time? Where is she going? What adventure is she preparing to embark on NOW?!

Beijing, China~~~ I'm getting ready to study abroad there for the spring semester of 2013 at China Agriculture University (CAU). By writing a strong essay, my university gave me a scholarship that will cover half of my costs. Unlike Korea, I will be sharing my experience with 13 other UCD students. The closer it gets, the more excited I become. I'll be there from Feb. 18 to June 2. Some side adventures are Singapore and Hong Kong. Funny, Asian countries are so close to each other, how can I stay in just one?

"Are you ever going to stay in America?!" People ask me that all the time when they found out that I was going to study abroad again. I have no straight answer for that really. But just remember that I'm always coming back to the once place I call home... Amurrica (Team America voice).

So stay tuned, my adventure has a new chapter.